Hunters Football Club is a youth football club open and set up for all children under 18 years old to play football. We want all children to experience fun and enjoy playing football through developmental matches and competitive cup games –– and in making football an integral part of learning and developing through sports. We have young enthusiastic and ambitious young players joining Hunters FC every year from our local grassroots communities. All children want is to be part of a great team, inspiring and dedicated with their best interest at the core of it. "We're Are Leading By Example." At Hunters Football Club, you'll find much more than just a football sport club. So much work goes in behind the scenes and beyond the actions. Football is the greatest sport the world has to offer – and we want to contribute positively to the impact of youth football in Zimbabwe. Learn more about our impact in youth football in Highfields area. Check out our Youth-Led Developmental Sports Programmed and more on Facebook / Instagram
In 2020 ––when we started Hunters Football Club, we commit ourselves to ensure every child will have the chance to play football and fulfill their dreams and hopes of playing football in their own community. ''We're Are Committed To Inspire All Children'' Our responsibility and contribution to children's football goes far beyond football. More importantly, we believe it is our paramount responsibility as club members, team officials, welfare officers, coaches and parents to ensure we promote the welfare of all children under 18 years. Everyone has a duty to care–– in making children safer on and off the pitch. As a Club, we realized the importance of creating safer and a positive environment for all children to PLAY COMPETE and LEARN. We want children to have the best experience of their childhood. Hunters FC will continue to excel and create more opportunities for all children wanting to play football – with great leadership, commitment and the right care. If you feel you want to contribute – Join our Hunters Local Community Club
''Children tend to learn
more quickly when they're having fun in a
safer and supported environment''
Our work at Hunters FC means we are committed and very focused in promoting sports developments through organising sports projects, events, training programmes and training courses. We offer life coaching skills designed to uphold the Club vision and core values which are valuable for both personal and community development. Youth sports developments are necessary and needed to inspire children in our local schools and community. Our Club intends to provide a well structured sports community programme or curriculum and creating the right environment for children to flourish. We believe children can learn valuable life skills through football sports. Football is a game for life– children can learn so much from playing football. So, our aim is to introduce initiative programmes which are key in addressing social issues and challenges faced by youth in our local community. We trust sports education and training programmes are crucial, as a form of mediation, to lessen youth crimes, mental health and poor health in young children. Football has the ability to instill discipline, good behaviour and positive attitude in a player. Football brings the community together––and enriches that community. As a Club ––we will make an effort by either association, or affiliation with organisations, or sponsors, whose values and visions are in alignment with our Club ideal vision. We are more than just a football club. We have a duty to care, support, safeguard and protect the welfare of all children that are in receipt of registration, or children whom we are in contact with at the Club. You can play your part in supporting us. Join Hunters FC and make the impact – we need in our local grassroots communities and make the difference.
We remind children that football players aren’t just born. They're have a journey to greatness – as part of their experience, so they’re are selected, trained, molded and tested to be the best players they want to be. We nurture raw talents to maturity with quality coaching, motivation and training sessions all embedded in our youth sports programmes. All our youth sports programmes and training sessions are suitable for children under 18 years old. We include children learning how to maintain our ethos and values in teamworking, respectful, sportsmanship as those are the hallmarks of Hunters Football Club.
Hunters Football Club runs four youth sports football programmes and a variety of practise sessions for children in the following age groups :
* under 11 year olds *under 13 year olds *under 15 year olds *under 17 year olds
All programmes are designed to build confidence, develop new skills and fitness. We make sure all training sessions are delivered safely and appropriate for their age groups. Coaches will deliver all programmes following the rules and regulations under the ZIFA youth football guidance. For more information our on youth programmes – please get in touch at:
We offer a variety of classes and programmes, mostly suitable for your age and the right fit for you and the rest of your team. Our amazing team and coaches have put a lot of work and thoughts into our weekly schedules. We're hope you"ll find the best time slot to choose from our training sessions. Available sessions from
Every Mon -Friday 09:00 am –– 16:30 pm. See below for more information on the details of our training sessions during schools terms and cup games. We're here
to help. When you're ready. Join Our Classes Today!
09:00 am – 16:30 pm MON –– FRI
Any player applying to join the Hunters Football Club must ensure that they leave within our catchment area which is 30 miles from the center point of Highfields. Feel free to register for our sports programmes and training sessions which starts from (Under 11's age group team to Under 17's age group team ). You don't need to bring anything apart from yourself. Please contact the registration secretary_ or alternatively download the forms from the link below and submit them to the registration secretary –